An unusual gathering anointing coming upon you, and in the days ahead you should be able to gather many – January 18, 2002
You and your wife are an Aquila and Priscilla team, and you will help raise up and train the next generation of leaders – June 30, 2007
Dr. Ponder, a distinguished member of the John Maxwell Certified Teacher Program, enriches his financial mentorship with leadership principles. Trained by renowned expert John Maxwell, Dr. Ponder's holistic approach embodies more than financial strategy, extending to personal and leadership development. This prestigious certification accentuates his well-rounded expertise, propelling individuals towards not just financial freedom, but a life of enriched purpose and leadership.
Dr Craig A Ponder Sr., Ph.D., CKO, CEA, CFWC, CKC, CKT, is a SUCCESSFUL Ordained Apostle and ACCOMPLISHED Entrepreneur for Over 47 Years, He Holds 14 Professional Designations, a Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min.) in Biblical Studies and a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology With An Emphasis in Economics.
Dr. Craig A. Ponder Sr. is a multifaceted professional, holding titles as a Kingdomologist, Published Author, Financial Educator, Disruptor, MindShift Strategist, Certified Financial Wealth Coach (CFWC), Business Success Coach, Tax Reduction Expert, a John C. Maxwell Certified Teacher, Trainer, Coach, Speaker, and the Chief Kingdom Officer (CKO) and Chancellor of Kingdom Leadership Business University (KLBU).
Together with Prophet Dr. Darlene Ponder, they embarked on their entrepreneurial journey in February 1988, with limited resources and experience. Within six years, they built a successful business with nine employees and six work trucks, grossing over $1 million during a recession (pre-internet era). Their journey from starting with virtually nothing to becoming successful Kingdom Millionaires is attributed to divine revelation and a strong focus on solving problems for others.
Dr. Craig A. Ponder Sr. and his wife, Prophet Dr. Darlene Ponder, have shared over 40 years together, flourishing both in business and ministry since 1987. As a formidable team, they embody the essence of “Living in the Kingdom of God” through their roles as Kingdom-Preneurs (King-Priests), nurturing and equipping leaders.
Prophet Dr. Darlene, an ordained Prophet with a Doctorate of Ministry in Biblical Studies, also holds titles as a Certified Kingdom Teacher and Coach. She is the President, of Kingdom Leadership Business University (KLBU) and Kingdom Generation International, Inc. (KGI), and founded Women of His Kingdom, aimed at empowering influential women. Through these ventures, they champion a harmonious blend of business acumen and spiritual guidance.
The Ponder’s Have Received Numerous "Documented" Prophetic Words that “God Has Truly Sent them to EQUIP, IDENTIFY and COMMISSION the Next "Caleb" Generation of Emerging Leaders and TO DO SOMETHING WITHIN THEIR GENERATION THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS EVER DONE!
The Other Trait Regarding The Ponder’s, is that their Fruit is UNDENIABLE!
The Ponder Family Resides In a Suburb Outside of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Take Control of Your Family, Finances and Future!
Why God Created You and What Have You Been Entrusted With!
What Your "Life Purpose" Really Is, How to Fulfill Your God-Given Assignment and Answer A Kingdom Call!
Why The Pastoral Paradigm (only) and Your Senior Pastor and Traditionally Christianity CANNOT Help You!
Understanding Your Marketplace Mandate!
Where is the Church for Kingdom-Preneurs, Christian Business Owners and Professionals!
The Marketplace is the Master Gate of Influence and Learn the Keys that Unlock Heaven, Success and Blessings for Your Life through Your Business!
Dual Natured As Both King-Priest, a Kingdom-Preneur, Learn How to Think, Live and Act Like Royalty!
Learn the Secrets, Strategies and Solutions of the Rich and Wealthy and How to Apply the Wisdom of God, a Present-Day Truth and the Keys of the Kingdom!
STOP Losing Money Unknowingly and Unnecessarily and the Two Tax Systems In America!
Increase Your Income, Reduce Your Taxes and Greatly Improve Your Quality of Life!
Shift from an Average Mindset to a Dominion Mindset as a Kingdom-Preneur!
Are You Living Your Best Life!
Your 3 Greatest Problems, Your 3 Greatest Setbacks and the 3 Solutions to Solving Your 3 Greatest Problems and Setbacks!
Your Business IS NOT a Ministry or to Be Used Just for Evangelism or Missionary Work!
What Defines Success, Do You Really Have Influence and What is Kingdom Living!
What is the #1 Purpose of Wealth!
The 3 Types of Freedom!
How to (re)Position Yourself into the Path of a $120 Trillion Wealth Transfer!
You Were Not Created By God to Just Manage, Find Out the 3 Things that God Has Empowered You to Do!
Accomplish Your Dreams, Goals and Prophetic Words, Quicker, Faster and Easier!
The 13 Stages to Become a Kingdom Millionaire and Why You Must Become Your Own Boss (BYOB), as a Kingdom-Preneur!
The 8 Realms and the 3 Most Important Businesses to Increase Your Income, Start or Grow Your Business and the 5 Businesses that Have Created More High Six Figure Income and Millionaires!
Start or Grow Your Business, and Finish 2023 Strong and Start 2024 Right!
If you are ready to “Become Your Own Boss (BYOB), Start or Grow your business as a Kingdom-Preneur, so that you too can experience Financial Freedom and you want to Start 2024 Right!
Plus You Want To Personally…
INCREASE Your Income, DISCOVER Your Life Purpose, REDUCE Your Taxes, IMPROVE Your Lifestyle, MAKE Debt Your Friend, ANSWER the Call of God, and Accomplish Your Dreams, Goals and the Prophetic Words, for Your Family, Finances and Future…
Quicker, Faster and Easier!
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